Pivotal180’s Summer Readings 2024

By Bastian Stroemsheim | June 8, 2024

Pivotal180’s Summer Readings 2024

With summer around the corner, we have collected a list of books to accompany you on your summer travels. Whether you’re practicing a Bill Gates-style ‘Think Week’, opt for a big city vacation, or land somewhere in-between, these books can enrich all options!

Looking for additional recommendations? See our past lists for the Holidays and Last Summer.

Work habits

Taking a step back to assess communication, bias and productivity?

  • Supercommunicators: How to unlock the Secret Language of Connection (Charles Duhigg). From the same author as The Power of Habit, this book unpacks the art of conversations and how to minimize the risk of getting lost in translation.
  • May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases―And What We Can Do about It (Alex Edmans). Helps deciphering the signal and noise to produce better decisions.
  • Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout (Cal Newport). For those interested in applying a more sustainable approach to your workload management.


We are still at the early stage of understanding the impact of AI on business and financial modeling. Curious about what the next years can bring to improve your modeling accuracy and due diligence?

  • Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI (Ethan Mollick)
  • Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence (Agrawal, Gans, Goldfarb)
  • The Coming wave: Technology, Power and the Twenty-First Century’s Greatest Dilemma (Suleyman and Bhaskar)
  • HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI


Seeking a deeper understanding of the cocoa price spikes over the past year, or just a passionate consumer?

  • Finding Fortunato: How a Peruvian Adventure Inspired the Sweet Success of a Family Chocolate Business (Adam Pearson)
  • Cocoa (Kristy Leissle)
  • Chocolate wars: the 150-year rivalry between the world’s greatest chocolate makers (Deborah Cadbury)

Want to learn more about project finance, including new developments post-IRA? Check out the links below to learn more about Pivotal180 including all of our financial modeling courses and services. Come model with us!

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